Monday, March 3, 2008

WebDesign Project 2 progress

Well, I try to research again for my Project 2, here's some interesting website about recycling

Mostly the website using table and got corporate looks. Main color as usual is green, except for where the color mostly orange with a bit green there. But I still prefer green though, the color orange makes me think more about global warming than recycle. Looking at those websites makes me think that here we don't really practice recycling stuff, while in overseas, especially in Europe and Japan, recycling stuff is quite popular (in Japan it more to must though).

Also some website about paper recycling:

From there I got some interesting facts:
  • It is possible to achieve significant reductions in the cost of buying office paper by reducing paper use and reusing paper where possible.
  • Eliminating office from waste may reduce waste bills by as much as 50%.
  • Making new paper from old paper uses 30% to 55% less energy than making paper from trees and reduces related air pollution by 95%.
  • Each day American businesses generate enough paper to circle the globe at least 40 times!
  • 77% of paper waste generated in offices is recyclable.
  • Typical business offices generate about 1.5 pounds of waste paper per employee each day.
  • Nearly half of typical office paper waste is high grade office paper.
  • Recycling one ton of paper typically saves about 6.7 cubic yards of landfill space. A cubic yard of stacked office paper weighs about 380 pounds. Cost savings may be estimated by multiplying the tons recycled by 6.7 times the cost per cubic yard for waste disposal (if by volume) of by cost per ton (if by weight).
  • Commercial and residential paper waste accounts for more than 40% of waste going to the landfill. Eliminating this paper from our waste would nearly double the lives of current landfills.
  • Newspaper is recycled into newspaper, game boards, egg cartons, gift boxes, animal bedding, insulation, and packaging material.
  • Office paper is recycled into office paper, tissue paper, paper towels, and toilet paper.
  • Corrugated cardboard is recycled into new cardboard and cereal boxes.
From there I started making some analysis about what I want to do for my design:
  • Promote recycle paper
  • Make user understand how important recycling is
  • Make it fun, not too corporate. Some website that I visited got Interesting content, but the visual wise it's not so nice. But some corporate looking website like Recycle Guide still can make it interesting.
  • Show how to recycle paper
  • Show what can we do to the recycle paper
  • Target audience are teenager and young adults
  • Create mascot/logo, to make the website easier to remember
Some analysis for the logo:
  • Promote recycling
  • Green color
  • The shape of recycle triangle
  • Friendly looking logo
So here's the logo:
For the website I still want to use the concept that explain to audience that every paper that they use is the same as a piece of wood, that's why they must recycle paper, to reduce the amount of wood/tree that been cut just for a piece of paper.
OK, so far that's it my research for this project, will update later after I finished designing my interface! :)


Chen said...

Lol..looks like onigiri to me... And I think your design is so you lah. SOo cutie stuff and all. I think the logo maybe doesn't look too much like recycling except for the tag The Recyclist. But great research content.

aliens infotech said...

your information very useful...

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