Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Background of "The Walk"

The background will looked like this, my character would be myself xD At first the character will walk, but the she will given options to drive card instead X3
Please tell me what do you think about the visual; comment, critique, and suggestions are welcome!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Typography for Digital Media

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Please let me know what you think about it :)
Not complete yet actually, still need some missing words :(

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Random Post

Just now I take a nap.
I dreamed I was in a Mamak place and try to order a drink.
The weird part is...
I'm trying to choose which drink I want and which drink I don't want using action script!



This semester really feels like crazy to me. At first I think it's because of the really busy schedule that we get. But when I think about it again, what really troubles me is that I don't have a strong will to do my assignment. I really don't know why. Even in 1st year 2nd term where I think the schedule is the craziest, I always have motivation when it comes to assignment. I feel bad, uninspired, and unmotivated this semester. Luckily this semester I spent many times doing assignment together with Chen and Selvia. It helps to motivate my working spirits, a bit. I don't know why I really can't get myself into the mood to work this semester. I hope my mood will back after Chinese New Year holiday though.

And about CNY, as if want to make my day worse and worse, I can't get ticket to go back to my hometown *sigh* I miss my family. But when I think about it again, maybe it'll be a good opportunity for me to do some introspections about my current condition when I'm alone his holiday.

Well, apart from my bad mood, I must agree that programming is interesting. Reminds me back in my high school days when I madly in love with html and start learning turbo pascal and c++(well, befriending a computer genius can do this to you). I still remember clearly about html, which is good because it'll help me in webdesign subject; but losing half of my turbo pascal and c++ knowledge =.= My turbo pascal knowledge is not as bad as c++ though, since I'ved learned it for 2 years, but that's the bad point, since as I remember action script 3.0 resembles c++ more that turbo pascal. Everytime I go to Digital Media 2 class I always hoped I bring my notes from my high school days so it helps me understand AS3 more. But the chance for me to go back to Indonesia is only on next term =.=

Btw, random doodle, dunno why this term I really like to draw this bunny again

Thursday, January 24, 2008

So the epic continue...

Well, seems like we're not over it yet. Now with Dee as the egg's mom, chicken!

What will happened if MM students gather in MSN...

So this morning (2.40 am counted as morning right?) me, Selvia, Chen and Wahyu have conversation in MSN. At first we set up the conversation for discussion in Digital Media 2. After we got stress and lost our mood in doing assignment, something interesting started to happened...
So here goes the story =D